Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Gg Girls ASK....

Pastor K~When you're going through a tough time, do you ever doubt God?
answer...Isn't it sooo hard not to doubt God in the midst of a huge trial or situation?  What a great question! It IS so hard!

I'm reminded of the story of Joseph!  His story is one of many trials, but a great victory in the end.  And I truely believe it's because he didn't doubt!  When he was growing up, his own brothers hated him because his father favored him!  One day they got really mad at him and they were going to kill him.  But instead, they sold him into slavery.  (Now that's a bad day!)  Joseph ended up serving for Potiphar who was one of Pharoah's officials.  He was put in charge of his entire household.  One day, Potiphar's wife threw herself at Joseph. Joseph refused her, and she got mad.  She then accused Joseph of almost rapping her and he was thrown into jail.  Now in jail, Joseph was a leader.  Even in the midst of this bad situation, he still had a great attitude!  He didn't doubt!  In jail, he interpreted some dreams for the Kings cupbearer and baker.  They were in jail because they had offended the King.  The cupbearers dream was one of redemption.  He would be released from jail and serving the King again.  The bakers dream was one of devestation.  His dream predicted that he would die.  Joseph only asked that the cupbearer would remember him and tell the King of his kindness.  The cupbearer didn't!  He forgot.  Two full years went by, and then Pharoah had a dream.  He summoned all his magicians and wise men to interpret the dream but none of them could.  Then the cupbearer remembered Joseph.  Joseph was summoned to the King!  This was finally his chance to make a difference in his life.  He interpreted Pharoah's dreams.  And what ended up happening was quite simply a miracle.  Joseph was put second in charge of all of Egypt.  He was a prisoner one day, and the next day, second in charge of all of Egypt. (First in charge was Pharoah!)

I told you this story to tell you this one thing....NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD!   We just have to hold on to our faith and believe that things are going to work out!  When you have doubt I want you to tell your mind what to think.  The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 10:5 "...take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ." That means you have the power to determine the thoughts that you have.  If your thoughts are negative, they will produce doubt in you.  If your thoughts are positive, they will produce faith in you.  Whatever the situation may be, God has an answer for it.  Look to the Word, find your answer, and begin to change your thoughts.  And remember, with God nothing is impossible!

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